What is Brooklyn Style Pizza? Top 7 Unique Features


Pizza – the delightful dish that has traveled from Italy and has taken on countless forms across the globe. From deep-dish Chicago pies to thin-crust Neapolitan varieties, pizza has evolved in style and flavor, adapting to the tastes and preferences of each region it graces. And when it comes to the famous pizza styles of New York, the Brooklyn style pizza is a standout. But what exactly is Brooklyn-style pizza, and how does it differ from its New York siblings? Let’s take a bite into this flavourful journey.

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The Birth of a Legend

Before delving into the characteristics of Brooklyn style pizza, it’s worth noting its origin. Like many of the pizza variations we find in the United States, its roots trace back to the influx of Italian immigrants. They brought with them the authentic taste of Naples but adapted it to the palates and ingredients of their new homeland. As pizzerias began popping up in the various boroughs of New York City, each started to exhibit its unique spin on this beloved dish, and the Brooklyn style pizza emerged.

Characteristics of Brooklyn Style Pizza

  1. The Crust:
    • Thin and Crispy: One of the first things you’ll notice about a Brooklyn style pizza is its thin crust. This isn’t the paper-thin variety you might find in some other versions but has just enough thickness to provide a satisfying chew. Despite its thinness, it’s sturdy enough to hold a generous amount of toppings.
  1. Airy and Light: The interior of the crust is soft and airy, providing a beautiful contrast to its crispy bottom. This is a result of a well-fermented dough and the use of high-protein flour.
  2. Size Matters:
    • Brooklyn style pizzas are notably larger in diameter than many other types. This large size is perfect for folding, which is the typical Brooklyn way to enjoy a slice on the go.
  3. The Fold:
    • Given its thin base and wide size, a Brooklyn slice is perfect for folding. This not only makes it easier to eat but also concentrates the flavors with each bite.
  4. Simplicity in Sauce and Cheese:
    • The sauce is typically made from ripe tomatoes with a touch of seasoning, resulting in a fresh and slightly tangy taste. The cheese, often thinly sliced mozzarella, complements the sauce without overwhelming the palate.
  5. Generous Toppings:
    • Though traditionally the toppings are kept simple with tomato sauce and cheese, many Brooklyn pizzerias are known to be generous with their toppings, spreading them right to the edge of the crust.
  6. Adaptable:
    • While it has its traditional methods, Brooklyn pizza is no stranger to innovation. Modern Brooklyn-style pizzerias often experiment with toppings, ranging from the classic pepperoni to gourmet combinations, catering to a diverse crowd.
  7. Rooted in Tradition:
    • Brooklyn style pizza’s origin can be traced back to the early Italian immigrants in New York. They brought with them the secrets of traditional Neapolitan pizza, which was then adapted and transformed, giving birth to the Brooklyn-style pizza we know and love today.

Brooklyn Style Pizza is Designed to be Folded: Unwrapping the Tradition

Among these contenders, the Brooklyn style pizza stands out not just for its flavor but for its distinctive method of consumption. The hallmark of this pizza? Its design to be folded

Why the Fold?

  1. On-the-Go Ease:
    • New Yorkers are always on the move. The foldable nature of Brooklyn style pizza allowed busy Brooklynites to grab a slice on their way, making it a fast and convenient meal option.
  2. Flavor Concentration:
    • By folding the slice, you’re effectively layering the toppings onto themselves. This concentrates the flavors, making every bite a burst of cheesy, saucy goodness.
  3. Texture Play:
    • A folded pizza slice offers a delightful contrast. The bottom becomes a blend of the crisp crust and the soft interior, while the toppings meld together beautifully, enhancing the overall experience.
  4. The Art of the Fold
    • While it might seem simple, there’s a technique to folding your slice of Brooklyn-style pizza properly. Begin by holding the wider, crust-less end, then fold the slice in half lengthwise. The crust becomes a handle, and the pointed end should now be accessible for bite-sized enjoyment without any toppings sliding off.
  5. More than Just a Technique
    • The folding method is more than just a practical way to eat a slice of pizza; it’s a cultural emblem. It speaks to the bustling streets of Brooklyn, where quick meals and convenience are paramount, but without compromising on flavor or experience. The fold is a nod to the city’s adaptability, innovation, and unwavering spirit.

Brooklyn Style vs. Other New York Pizzas

While New York is home to various pizza styles, including the iconic New York-style slice, what distinguishes Brooklyn style pizza is mainly its size and crust.

While both are thin, the Brooklyn variety is typically larger and slightly crispier. Moreover, Brooklyn-style pizzas emphasize the cornmeal base, which isn’t as prevalent in other New York pizza styles.

Why the Hype Around Brooklyn Style Pizza?

Brooklyn pizza isn’t just a meal; it’s an experience. Its rich history tied to the traditions of Italian immigrants combined with the unique tastes and textures makes it stand out. Plus, its adaptability to carry a wide array of toppings while maintaining the crust’s integrity is something special. And let’s face it, there’s something inherently satisfying about folding a large, thin slice of pizza and taking that first, flavorful bite.

From its historical roots to its distinguishing characteristics, Brooklyn style pizza stands as a testament to culinary adaptation and innovation. It embodies the spirit of Brooklyn – diverse, robust, and unpretentious. Whether you’re a pizza purist or an adventurous eater, a trip to Brooklyn (or a local pizzeria that specializes in this style) promises a slice that’s both satisfying and memorable.

Also read: Is Pizza a Sandwich?

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